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Unanticipated Outcomes

In a previous post, I explained the four things I was working on that involved finishing book one in a series and starting the second book in the series. And advice pours in. Is Baby Doe chicklit (mothers, babies, and befuddled males)? Or because of the cover, which is dark and suggestive of woe, is Baby Doe a Holocaust novel? (No it’s neither. See below).

Speaking of the cover, with used baby shoes, do you remember the complete story in six words attributed to Hemingway? A prize, equivalent to the worthless carnival awards for throwing a hardball through a small whole in a hanging canvas and sounding a bell, will be received by the first person to send me an email with the right answer. And THAT PERSON will be immortalized in a future post. For the rest of you schlubs, just Google it.

What’s Baby Doe about? Here’s the latest back cover blurb to arrive:

“A newborn is tragically impaired. In a taut, dramatic tale, Dr.Taeusch skillfully marshals his expert knowledge of the modern, miraculous world of neonatology to explore classic questions defining human responsibility in choosing life, or death.”

--Allen Hoffman, author of Kagan’s Superfecta and The Small Worlds series.

So what’s Unanticipated in this post? Practically everything, Just one example. In late 2019, Tyler Grant wrote a great short story in the Spectator, US, entitled, How to Write 2020’s Great American Novel, or the Manic Pixie Inclusive Totally Woke Dream Manuscript. Click on Tyler’s name (above) and the magic of hyperlinkage should bring up the article for you. Clever, humorous, carefree. And then Covid hit, and not much was fun anymore about writing novels or anything else in the 2020’s. Just remember who laughs when we planalot.

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